Seven Habits: A manual for life

emotional intelligence , book-notes , how igor ticks

Need a user manual for life? For me, that’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. From dependant, to independent to interdependant, and then rinse and repeat for the the different roles in your life. Like other self-helf books? Excellent chance it’s a reframe or deep dive into these concepts.

Progression Chapters
Dependant (Them) l1
Independent (Me) l2
Interdependant (We) l3
Renewal l4

Very funny, in the 7 habits of highly effective teens they list the anti-habits. Very funny when you see them listed out …

Anti Habits Description
Be Reactive Let your negative emotions run wild
Begin without a destination Don’t think where you’re going
Start with least important start by minutia
Think Win Lose How can you make sure others aroudn you lose
Talk More; Prented to listen You already know the answer, why bother listening
Never Co-operate  
Wear yourself out You can always have more coffee and crash
Click prompt for an idea

I use the concepts in this book as the basis of my self improvement and coaching. To help me internalize the 7 habits, I’m creating video summaries of the key concepts.

A little picture I drew when I’d just discoverved the 7 habits …


Sharpen the saw

  • Did you do your habits today?

Begin with the end in mind

  • Re-read your eulogy
  • What does success look like
  • How are my outcomes different when I begin with the end in mind?
  • What legacy do I want to leave?
  • This week, what relationship can I invest in?
  • Who is most affected by my mission statement?
  • Am I over investing in one role at the expense of another role?

First things First

  • Stay in quadrant 2
  • What one thing can I do, that if invested regularly, would have a tremendous positive influence on my life?
  • What quadrent am I spending most of my time in? What is the consequence?
  • How many of my crisis could be avoided if I sepnt more time in quadrant 2?

Sharpen the Saw

  • Is technology helping me, or is it hurting me?

Be Proactive

  • Pause between stimuls and response
  • Who has helped me be grow?
  • Stop using reactive language
  • Use empowering lanuage (I choose, I will)
  • Is this in my circle of incluence, or circle of concern?


  • How can I compliment someone around me?

Think Win/Win

  • If it’s not WIN/WIN, it’s LOSE/LOSE.

First Understand

  • Imagine an eye doctor tried to make you use their glasses