
Mind Lines

Increase specificity


  1. Specificity

  2. Sequencing Strategy

  3. Reframing external behavior

  4. Reframing internal state

  5. Reflexively applying to self

  6. Reflexicvly apply to listener

  7. Counter Example Framing

  8. Positive Prior Framing

  9. Positivie Prior Causation Framing

  10. First outcome framing

  11. Outcome of outcome framing

  12. Eternity framing

  13. Model of the world framing

  14. Criteria and Value Framing

  15. Allness Framing

  16. Have to framing

  17. Identity Framing

  18. Ecology framing

  19. Other abstractions framing

  20. Metaphoring and Sotrying framing

  21. Both/And framing

  22. Pseudo word framing
  23. Negation framing
  24. Possiblity and as if framing
  25. Systematic and probablitily framin g
  26. Decision Framing k